Tuesday 17 March 2015

Working Out on the Subcontinent

I embarked upon a 2 week regime with a personal trainer, beginning Monday evening of this week. I used to exercise so much, but in India....not so much. So, initially, this guy weighed me, and told me my ideal weight. I am pretty sure I said some unkind words to him (let's just say that "some untoward language flew across the room"). I told him 1) I was not 20 years old, 2) We've got 2 weeks and......HEY! 3) dude, lets jump back into reality here and get off the 1950's weight charts. Let's just focus on getting me a bit more conditioned in these 2 weeks. Ha

So.....he got to know me very well early on, in addition to my overall philosophy and direct goals for this program. We ended up actually having a LOT of fun, and of course he was awesome. I warmed up with cardio, and we did upper body Monday night. Then tonight, 30 minutes of cardio, plus legs and abs (or should I say "stomach"? Ha). He absolutely killed me.

My favorite word he said was "Out!" That signified we were done with each set. Each set was a different number of repetitions of 3, and so for example if it was 3 sets of 12, he would start with 1, 2, 3....and midway, he would start the backwards countdown of 3, 2, 1, and "Out!"

Due to the intensity, I told him on 2 occasions that I did not like him (yet used a stronger word) and at one point I told him I thought I was actually about to die. None of this phased him, and he just continued to smile and say, "Excellent!" when I finished each set. I suppose if he responded with what was really in his head, this could be de-motivational to me. Ha

I have seen some personal trainers in the US, and of course they are awesome. However, he was really the best whom I have ever personally seen/ interacted. (for my...ahhh...personality type.)

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