Thursday, 23 October 2014

Fried Dough and Buffalo Wild Wings

I visited the North Carolina State Fair while home…lots of exhibits, contests and “best of” ribbons, livestock (cows, pigs, etc) massive vegetables, beautiful flowers and of course FOOD! Being in India for 4 months, I have witnessed the differences in cuisine on a daily, personal level, and so while home, I have found myself in constant comparison mode. I find myself thinking “would an Indian like this?”. Many items, I am pretty sure they would not, but 2 items that I am pretty sure they would love, include: 1) “Fried Dough”, found at the State fair, which is as sweet as some of the items that I have seen my colleagues in India really enjoy. Fried dough is hot and covered in powder sugar, or chocolate, or whatever, and so is basically pure “hot sugar”! Indians love sweets and I am positive would love this treat. 2) Buffalo Wild Wings, for non-veg Indians, should be a restaurant that would provide the spice level that they miss when they visit places like the US. They have 15 or so levels of “heat” for the chicken wings (or could be used to dip a veg item). I ordered the 3rd hottest (Mango Habanera), with the hottest sauce noting to “keep away from eyes and pets”. These wings were the hottest/spiciest item I have eaten in quite a while.

Posting a few pictures from the fair, that include some livestock, a picture of the Fried Dough, and one of the NC favorites: Jumbo Turkey Legs. 

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